Soumission des abstracts

La soumission des abstracts est ouverte

Date limite de soumission des abstracts : jeudi 24 avril 2025 (minuit)

Lignes directrices pour la soumission des abstracts (en anglais)

All abstracts have to be submitted in one language only (German, French, or English).

Each abstract requires:

  • Title (please do not use capitals only, e.g. use "ERG in Glaucoma" instead of "ERG IN GLAUCOMA". Use American spelling and verify with the appropriate spell-check.)
  • A maximum of 2500 characters (including spaces), including the sections Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Mentioning of all authors
  • Mentioning of all affiliations (corresponding company/institution, department, location, and country)

Disclosure of Financial Interests and Grants (at the end of the abstract):

  • Support from a for-profit company or competing company
  • Personal investment in a company or competing company (other than through a mutual or retirement fund)
  • Employment by a company or competing company with business interest in the topic
  • Being a consultant of a company or competing company with business interest in the topic
  • Inventor/Developer of the topic or a competing topic
  • Travel Reimbursement, gifts or honoraria of over $3000 in the last twelve months by a company or competing company involved
  • None: No commercial relationship

You must further indicate if you are either a PhD student, student, a doctor who is currently undergoing training at an eye clinic to become specialist in ophthalmology in accordance with the further training regulations of the country, or a doctor within five years after obtaining the specialist title. If you fulfil one of these criteria, your accepted abstracts are considered eligible for the Young Investigator Awards. A proof has to be provided with the abstract submission.

By submitting the abstract, the first author certifies that

  • the material submitted has not been published previously,
  • investigations on human subjects have been reviewed by the local ethical committee and are in accordance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki,
  • animal studies comply with the "ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research",
  • each co-author is aware of the commercial relationships policy,
  • relevant commercial relationships are disclosed at the end of the abstract.

Submitted abstracts will be received by the congress secretariat. You will receive an e-mail notification confirming the reception of your abstract.

Peer review by the scientific commission will take about six weeks. Subsequently, you will be informed by e-mail about acceptance and type of presentation (poster or free paper).

You may withdraw your abstract by notifying the congress secretariat.

No exclusion with regard to the topics addressed is projected but studies without direct clinical relevance are preferred for submission to the Swiss Eye Research Meeting and have a high probability to get acceptance for posters only at the SOG-SSO meeting.

If the authors indicate their desired presentation form as Free Paper or Free Paper or Poster when submitting, they must accept a classification by the Scientific Commission as one of the possible presentation types. If the authors specify their desired presentation form as a Poster when submitting, the abstract can only be automatically accepted as a poster, without oral presentation.

An author can only have one free paper per topic field, but multiple free papers for different topic fields. Any additional submitted abstracts would be presented as rapid fire presentations or posters.

The abstract evaluated best in a topic field is selected to be presented in the relevant plenary symposium. The authors of these abstracts will be informed via e-mail.


Soumission des abstracts
09.12.2024 Début de soumission des abstracts
24.04.2025 (minuit) Date limite de soumission des abstracts
Téléchargement d'ePoster
11.06.2025 Début du téléchargement des ePosters
20.07.2025 (minuit) Délai du téléchargement pour l'inscription aux prix des posters et Young Investigator Awards
25.08.2025 (minuit) Délai du téléchargement des ePosters
Klinische Monatsblätter

Début de la soumission
Guidelines: Lignes directrices des auteurs

06.10.2025 (minuit)

Date limite de soumission


Pour toute question, veuillez vous adresser au sécrétariat administratif IMK: